About Catholic Heirlooms

Catholic Heirlooms is a Catholic parishioner-owned family small business brand. We’re doing this for love of our Lord, and to help YOU find a greater depth and love for Him, too.

Catholic Heirlooms was founded because of our belief in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. It is also this belief which leads to the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

This Church was founded by Christ, as shown in Matthew 16:18. There, Jesus Christ founds his Church on his Apostles, most specifically St. Peter the Apostle, to whom the keys of heaven are given. Simon was renamed "Cephas" or "Rock," and it is on this Rock that God builds his Church. Today, the Pope (Francis) sits at the chair of Peter as Bishop of Rome. 

We are Catholic (Universal) Christians, united in our love for Christ. Our mission is to help spread God’s message, even if all we can do are “small things with great love.”  We believe praying the Rosary is one of the best ways to get (and give!) help in everyday life.  As a prayer second in power only to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, it gives special joy to Our Lord and Our Lady when we pray it. Here, you’ll find rosaries of all kinds, of course…plus many other helpful aids to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and your mind focused on doing what He wants you to do, day by day.

Take your time exploring this site — it’s filled with good things to help you appreciate the Faith. May you enjoy your time at Mass (“heaven on earth”) and praying the Rosary as much as we do. And may your faith increase each day as you do your best to honor Him!

Thank you and God bless you!